Energy Certificate. TOSCANA INMOBILIARIA en La Herradura

Energy Certificate

We issue the Energy Efficiency Certificate drawn up by a competent technician that includes objective information on the energy characteristics of a property and is necessary for its commercialization.

What is the energy certificate?

Royal Decree 235/2013, of April 5, which approves the basic procedure for the certification of the energy efficiency of buildings (BOE April 13, 2013) "When buildings or units thereof are built, sold or rented, the energy efficiency certificate or a copy of it must be shown to the potential buyer or new tenant and delivered to the buyer or new tenant, under the terms established in the Procedure essential". "The label shall be included in all offers, promotions, and advertising directed at the sale or lease of the building or building unit." Penalty regime (Law 8/2013, of June 26, on urban rehabilitation, regeneration and renewal) .

Sanctions regime

Serious Offenses

Selling or renting a property without the seller or lessor delivering the valid, registered and current energy efficiency certificate to the buyer or lessee. Penalty of €601 to €1,000.

Minor infractions

Advertise the sale or rental of buildings or building units that must have an energy efficiency certificate without mentioning their energy efficiency rating. Penalty: €300 to €600 The individuals or legal entities that commit them, even by simple non-observance, will be responsible for the typified infractions.